Il giorno Tue, 13 Jan 2004 22:03:27 +0100, Giuseppe ha scritto
nel <bu1mfq$6jo$***>:
Post by GiuseppeMa .. mi chiedo, verso il 1305-6 non erano tutti e due in Veneto,
dalle parti di Padova e Treviso ?? Non potrebbero essersi incontrati
e conosciuti là?
parrebbe di si'
Benvenuto da Imola
" Commentum super Dantem "
".....Un commentatore rigoroso qual fu Benvenuto da Imola segnala la
circostanza dell'incontro con Giotto a Padova, dove si vuol che il poeta
ammirasse la cappella degli Scrovegni (dunque tra il 1304-1305)[69].......".
Giotto and Dante in Padua
........while Giotto (still quite a young man) was painting a chapel at
Padua in a place where there was once a theatre (or maybe an arena), Dante
arrived. Giotto greeted him with due deference and escorted him to his
home. There Dante saw several of Giotto's little children, all extremely
ugly and (not to labor the point) resembling their father very closely, and
he inquired of Giotto: "Good master, since you are said to have no equal in
the art of painting, I greatly wonder how it is that you make the appearance
of others so attractive while your own family is so dreadful!" Giotto smiled
at him and replied in a flash: "Because I create by daylight but procreate
in the dark" [Quia pingo de die, sed fingo de nocte]. Dante was delighted
at this reply, not because it was new to him (it can be found in Macrobius's
Book of Saturnalia) but because it appeared as a product of Giotto's own
genius. Giotto lived for a long time afterwards and died in the year 1336.
And note that Giotto still holds the field, since no one has yet surpassed
him in subtlety, although he did sometimes make mistakes in his paintings,
as I have been told by great authorities. The art of painting and sculpture
once had more admirable exponents among the ancient Greeks and Romans, as
Pliny's Natural History makes clear.
best regarda
sgas UIN 69225877
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carboidrati, lipidi e proteine. Il resto a volontà
[ un tale , su it.salute] " cit